In 2003 I backpacked through India and Nepal for 6 months with 2 fantastic friends. I like to think of myself as a bit of a photographer, having studied black and white darkroom photography, gone to portfolio reviews and all that. But in reality I'm not much of one--or I'm a painfully slow one. Since it took me 5 years to have these slides printed. I'm actually going back to India for a cousin's wedding in a couple of weeks, so these photos have really re-excited me. While they have nothing to do with knitting, I do think that having a knitting blog has brought back my photography obsession. I'm going to have to get into the self-portraiture thing for my FOs from now on. In that spirit, I thought I would share some photos I'm proud of:

Boys in Kanya Kumari--the southernmost tip of India where the Arabian Sea, Indian Ocean and the Bay of Bengal meet.

A soldier at the India/Pakistan border, just north of Amritsar in the state of Punjab.

Chained elephants for a New Year's celebration in Cochin.

A lone sadhu in Hampi (in Karnataka), which is a hippie-filled, but magical UNESCO site.

Autorickshaws--a major mode of transport in much of Asia and the topic of my master's thesis. Ugh.
Great photo's, Mona. I have many strongly held opinions on autorickshaws, but a whole master's thesis? Wow.
I was ridiculous. It was on alternative fuels and autorickshaws, which was actually interesting, but I'm going to stick to riding in them and stop studying them from now on...
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