
Knitting on a jet plane

Am I allowed to do this?

If I am, I'm ready for it.

With 6 skeins of Twinkle Soft Chunky in Sapphire--this color is gorgeous (so far I've used the french grey and urchin, but this color is so brilliant and rich), size 17 needles, and the winter 2007 Vogue Knitting. The expected outcome is #23, the Twinkle Dress.

I gathered all these supplies to have ready for a 20 hour flight to Delhi in a couple of weeks. I've already knit the sleeves, so I figured I could actually finish this thing on the plane given the incredible speed at which Twinkle knits can be completed.

But now...now I wonder. If I can't take my nail clippers or tweezers--or face lotion for that matter on the plane, can I take knitting needles? I guess I could poke someone's eye out or something...but I'm not sure how I could use them to fashion a last-minute bomb for high-jacking purposes. I guess I'm not so up on my bomb-making skills though.

Has anyone traveled lately and been able to knit on the plane?

I found this on the TSA website after some searching:

Transporting Knitting Needles and Needlepoint

Knitting needles are permitted in your carry-on baggage or checked baggage. However, there is a possibility that the needles can be perceived as a possible weapon by one of our Security Officers. Our Security Officers have the authority to determine if an item could be used as a weapon and may not allow said item to pass through security. We recommend the following when bring knitting needles on an airplane:
  • Circular knitting needles are recommended to be less than 31 inches in total length
  • We recommend that the needles be made of bamboo or plastic (Not Metal)
  • Scissors must have blunt points
  • In case a Security Officer does not allow your knitting tools through security it is recommended that you carry a self addressed envelope so that you can mail your tools back to yourself as opposed to surrendering them at the security check point.
  • As a precautionary measure we recommend that you carry a crochet hook with yarn to save the work you have already done in case your knitting tools are surrendered at the checkpoint

Most of the items needed to pursue a Needlepoint project are permitted in your carry-on baggage or checked baggage with the exception of circular thread cutters or any cutter with a blade contained inside. These items cannot be taken through a security checkpoint. They must go in your checked baggage.

But I would like to know if anyone's had any trouble traveling with needles...
Unfortunately my 17s are Addis and therefore metal, and there's just nothing that can be done about that.


E said...

I flew with my sock needles about 6 months ago, and had no problems. Granted, it was a domestic flight, and the needles were bamboo. I suppose you could try it, but have a self addressed stamped envelope on hand in case the TSA people decide not to let you through with them. What are the policies in Delhi? Will you have trouble bringing knitting stuff back?

Unknown said...

you know I'm not sure...I don't think so, but you never know. They actually have a crazy rule there that you can't pack anything battery-operated. I'm getting nervous about this idea and think maybe I should just knit this up before I go...and be bored as hell on the plane:-(