
lys in the news

So my LYS, Stitch DC, was in the Washington Post today (on page 3):

An article on Quick Study, where she (correction, the author, who is male and I assumed was female--very very bad of me!!) learns to knit in 15 minutes.

This is my favorite part:

"By the end of the two hours, I am emotionally wedded to the needles and the yarn, so I take what I have in my hands to the front of the store to purchase it. The wind comes out of my sails when the total hits $52. (I mean, it's just string, right?) Worth it, I convince myself. Worth it, even coupled with the price tag for the course. In a month or two you'll have a scarf you made yourself, I think. I'll be able to give it to someone and say, "I made it. Me. Not some kid in Indonesia. Me. Boo-yah."

I continue knitting the scarf on the Metro ride home and later in bed while watching Letterman. Boo-yah, indeed."


1 comment:

E said...

What a great article! Thank you for sharing it. :)