
sometimes I get angry...

When I have to defend things that I feel need no defense: like knitting.
I received a comment on my Hillary's Nipple post that ended with a comment about returning to the subject of knitting, with what I interpret as a suggestion that knitting is frivolous.

Here's my question to all that think knitting is frivolous:

What can you do/make that is useful? (typing doesn't count)

Can you actually meet any of your basic needs on your own--food, clothing, shelter?

Maybe I'm alone in this, maybe I'm not--but I've always had incredible respect for people that are able to do these things: carpenters, metalsmiths, farmers, knitters and sewers, among others.


Anonymous said...

Wow...frivolous? There was a time when it was a matter of neccessity, not hobby. But, I guess I shouldn't be shocked in such a immediate-gratification-consumer society.

I completely agree with you.

Nadine Fawell said...

Me too.